
Understanding ACL Injuries

Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries, known as an ACL injury, is one of the most common injuries to the knee.

Rupture of the ACL is a common injury in popular Australian sports such as AFL, rugby, and netball. Research shows that women experience a higher number of ACL injuries than men.

Australia has the highest reported rates of ACL injury globally and has risen by 70 per cent in under those aged over 25 years in the last 15 years. As such, the waiting list for surgery in public hospitals for ACL Reconstruction Surgery can be up to 365 days.

Medical Journal of Australia, 2018

Symptoms of an ACL Injury

When a person experiences an ACL injury, some report hearing a loud pop or popping sensation in the knee. Other symptoms can include;

  • Severe pain and inability to continue an activity
  • Rapid swelling
  • Loss of range of motion
  • A feeling of instability or “giving way” with weight-bearing


Mayo Clinic, 2021 

It is always best to discuss with your general practitioner to discuss what is the best treatment option is for you.

If you have been referred for ACL Reconstruction Surgery and would like to speak with one of our surgeons participating in our Rapid Path to Treatment program, call 1800 167 846 or complete the form below, and our team will contact you within two business days.

ACL Reconstruction

  • One single surgery fee
  • The total price advertised is for the surgery, anaesthetics, and hospital fees associated with this procedure.
    Additional fees will be payable to your specialist for consultation and follow-up appointments.

  • Reduced waiting times for consultation & surgery

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Orthopaedics – ACL
What's Included, & what isn't included

The Rapid Path to Treatment packages are a fixed cost, and the price will include the following:

Specialist Surgery Fee

Hospital Surgery Fee

Anesthetist Surgery Fee

Assistant Surgery Fee

Pre-admission clinic consultation with general physicians if deemed clinically necessary by your treating surgeon

Medications provided for use during your hospital admission

Prothesis and disposable equipment used in surgery

In-hospital Overnight Stay if deemed clinically necessary for your procedure

Access to a dedicated Nursing hotline, (02) 9001 2065, for on-demand support and advice when you need it following your return home after surgery

Post-surgery visit during your inpatient hospital stay by your treating Specialist

1 bulk billed post op follow up consultation (if you have a Medicare card)

What is NOT include:

Initial clinic consultation with your surgeon

Discharge prescriptions or medications

Any accommodation expenses to access East Sydney Private Hospital, i.e., airfares, hotel accommodation and travel expenses

Any diagnostics such as pathology and radiology imaging for diagnosis or completed in an out-patient setting

Any hardware and disposable surgical equipment used during your surgery deemed clinically necessary but was not included in your initial informed financial consent

*Our goal is to include as much care as possible in our price. Though, certain things are not included as they may not be necessary for the procedure or other reasons, such as an overnight stay in the hospital. Our team aims to ensure that you or your nominated next kin is made aware of any additional charges that may be incurred outside of the bundle package you proceed with; informed financial consent will be provided should this occur.